No, the Shanghai government has not recommended intravenous vitamin C as a treatment for COVID-19

The government of Shanghai, China has announced its official recommendation that COVID-19 should be treated with high amounts of intravenous vitamin C

SOURCE: Andrew W. Saul, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service

Published: 20 Mar 2020


Long-term remission of an HIV patient who received a stem cell transplant is the closest so far to a full HIV cure

The second person ever has been cured from HIV

SOURCE: Michelle Roberts, Tom Hale, BBC, IFLScience

Published: 19 Mar 2020


Claim that burning sage purifies the air based on study that burned entirely different plants

Research shows burning Sage cleans bacteria in the air

SOURCE: Anonymous, MyHighPlains, Spirit Science

Published: 14 Mar 2020


Viral claim falsely asserts that COVID-19 is due to 5G technology rollout, not a virus

The coronavirus outbreak is not actually caused by a virus, but by 5G technology

SOURCE: Dana Ashlie, YouTube

Published: 12 Mar 2020


Contrary to viral Facebook claim, numerous studies show vaccines don’t cause autism

there are no studies that prove vaccines don’t cause autism

SOURCE: Del Bigtree, Joe Martino, The HighWire, Collective Evolution

Published: 11 Mar 2020


No, not every U.S. election year has had a disease outbreak and COVID-19 transmissibility is unconfirmed

Every election year has a disease; coronavirus has a contagion factor of 2

SOURCE: Facebook users, Facebook

Published: 07 Mar 2020


Scientific evidence indicates virus that causes COVID-19 infection is of natural origin, not the result of human engineering

evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 research being carried out at the Wuhan Institute of Virology

SOURCE: Steven W. Mosher, New York Post, Daily Wire, InfoWars

Published: 05 Mar 2020


Cancer is composed of mutated body cells, not Candida fungi

Cancer is Candida/Fungus and can be cured

SOURCE: Anonymous, Healing Oracle

Published: 25 Feb 2020


Vitamin C supplementation does not prevent viral respiratory infections, such as those caused by coronaviruses, in the general population

The coronavirus pandemic can be dramatically slowed, or stopped, with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C

SOURCE: Andrew W. Saul, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, Health Impact News

Published: 20 Feb 2020


Chemical in garlic eliminates certain bacterial cells faster than two common antibiotics, but not by 100 times

Garlic proven 100 times more effective than antibiotics

SOURCE: Anonymous, Why Don't You Try This

Published: 17 Feb 2020