Bill Gates quoted out of context about injecting kids with genetically modified organisms in discussion on GM crops

Bill Gates stated that 'We’re taking things that are genetically modified organisms, and we’re injecting them into little kids’ arms; we just shoot them right into the vein'

SOURCE: Anonymous, YouTube

Published: 26 Mar 2021


Both viruses and bacteria cause disease; pathogenic viruses aren’t naturally created in the body as a response to damage

“You don’t catch viruses, you naturally create them inside of your body”; “bacteria and viruses don’t cause disease.”

SOURCE: Melissa Sell, Facebook

Published: 24 Mar 2021


COVID-19 vaccines are critical for controlling the pandemic; vaccines still offer partial protection against new variants of the virus

COVID-19 mass vaccination will select for more virulent variants of the virus that causes COVID-19, which will escape vaccine-induced immunity and cause more severe disease

SOURCE: Geert Vanden Bossche, Children’s Health Defense, The HighWire

Published: 23 Mar 2021


Jamaica already recorded tens of thousands of COVID-19 cases as of March 2021, contrary to viral meme suggesting that smoking cannabis prevents infections

“Jamaica has not recorded any cases of the coronavirus”

SOURCE: Facebook Users, Facebook

Published: 23 Mar 2021


Tinnitus isn’t a sign of brain death, even though it arises in the brain; no cure for tinnitus currently exists

Tinnitus is your first real warning signal that your brain could be dying

SOURCE: Anonymous, Tinnitus Battle

Published: 23 Mar 2021


Messenger RNA is essential for life and a normal component of cells; study by researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering is unrelated to RNA vaccines

“Scientists at Sloan Kettering discover mRNA inactivates tumor-suppressing proteins, meaning it can promote cancer”

SOURCE: S.D. Wells, Natural News

Published: 23 Mar 2021


Ivermectin isn’t a highly effective drug for treating COVID-19

Ivermectin reduces the risk of death from COVID-19

SOURCE: Tess Lawrie, YouTube

Published: 22 Mar 2021


No evidence that the milk protein casein causes cancer; claim is based on animal studies involving other well-known risk factors for liver cancer like hepatitis B virus infection

“Milk from cows 'has the most relevant carcinogen ever identified’ and ‘turns on cancer'“

SOURCE: Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Published: 21 Mar 2021


No aborted fetal tissue or cells in the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine

“The Johnson & Johnson vaccine has aborted fetal tissue from aborted babies from the retina as well as from kidney cells”

SOURCE: Rizza Islam, Instagram

Published: 18 Mar 2021


COVID-19 RNA vaccines are safe, cannot modify human DNA; death rate in vaccinated people isn’t higher than in unvaccinated people

“The protein then can bind to your DNA and irreversibly change it”; “[It] has several different type of lipids on it that have never been injected into human beings before”; “We could be looking at right now as many as 12,000 deaths”

SOURCE: Sherri Tenpenny, Daystar

Published: 17 Mar 2021