There is no evidence that the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 has a lower fatality rate than the wild-type virus

The Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 has become prevalent in the U.K. since May 2021. At the same time, most of the people who are vaccinated in the U.K. are the elderly, who were among the priority groups in the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, as they are at a higher risk of severe illness. So far, the data shows that most COVID-19 cases caused by the Delta variant in the U.K. occur in people under 50 years old, an age group that is less likely to die from COVID-19 compared to those older than 50. As most of the risk groups in the U.K. are now protected by vaccination, fewer people are expected to die from a Delta variant infection. Therefore, while the fatality rate of the Delta variant appears lower, this is a result of vaccination and the characteristics of the unvaccinated population, and not necessarily because the Delta variant is less lethal than the wild-type virus.

There is no conclusive evidence that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine contains graphene oxide

Claims that a study from the University of Almería, Spain, found graphene oxide in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, contain numerous inaccuracies. Firstly, the alleged vial of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine analyzed is of unknown origin and traceability. Secondly, the methodology used for the analysis, electron microscopy, is inconclusive. Thirdly, the list of ingredients in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, which can be found in the vaccine’s package insert, don’t include graphene; these package inserts are rigorously reviewed by health authorities. Lastly, the analysis isn’t an official study from the University of Almería, which distanced itself from the analysis and its conclusions.

The World Health Organization states that COVID-19 vaccination for children is less urgent, but doesn’t recommend against it

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), vaccinating young children against COVID-19 is of less urgency compared to vaccinating adults. The WHO explains that this is because young children’s risk of developing a symptomatic or severe form of the disease is smaller. However, the WHO also made it clear that children who have conditions that place them at higher risk of severe illness would be considered as priority groups for vaccination. Additional clinical trials are being conducted to provide more data on the matter.

COVID-19 vaccines don’t affect ovaries or fertility in general; the vaccines are highly effective at preventing illness and death

Real-world evidence shows that the COVID-19 RNA vaccines are highly effective at preventing illness and death. There is evidence indicating that spike protein during infection can lead to damage, but this isn’t representative of the situation in vaccination. The level of spike protein generated through COVID-19 vaccination is much lower than the levels associated with damage during infection. The evidence so far doesn’t show that COVID-19 vaccination leads to a higher risk of adverse events during pregnancy or affects fertility.

COVID-19 vaccines can enhance protective immunity in previously infected people

Most people who had COVID-19 develop some level of protective immunity. However, the immune response can vary a lot between individuals, and not all COVID-19 survivors develop sufficiently protective immunity, since reinfection can occur. COVID-19 vaccines have demonstrated a more robust and reliable immune response than natural infection. They can also provide additional benefits, such as boosting immunity in people who had a low immune response after natural infection or enhancing protection against variants of the virus.

What has been the effect of the pandemic on the suicide rate of the U.S. population?

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic prompted countries everywhere to take measures to reduce the spread of the disease. One of these measures, which has proven to be effective (as covered in several Health Feedback claim reviews here, here, and here) but hasn’t been without controversy, is lockdown. Lockdowns consist of limiting certain activities by the general … Continued

PCR tests are reliable to detect and monitor COVID-19 infections, which are real and have caused millions of deaths worldwide

COVID-19 is a real pandemic that has caused more than 545,000 excess deaths in the U.S. as of 17 June 2021. PCR tests are a very reliable tool to monitor the spread of the virus because they are highly specific for SARS-CoV-2 and detect tiny amounts of virus in infected individuals. Although no tests are 100% accurate, most positive COVID-19 PCR test results are true positives.

COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing illness and death; rare infections in vaccinated people can still occur, as seen in the Celebrity Millennium cruise

Clinical trials and ongoing monitoring of COVID-19 vaccination campaigns showed that people vaccinated against COVID-19 are less likely to get infected. Given that no vaccine effectiveness is 100% effective, some vaccinated people are expected to get infected nonetheless. Vaccines are still useful even for infected persons as they prevent serious illness and hospitalization.