“15% fatality rate” from coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection was based only on initial cases; infection fatality rate likely less than 3%

Coronavirus hits 15% fatality rate

SOURCE: Mike Adams, Natural News

Published: 03 Feb 2020


No, an “FDA study” did not find that vaccines contain cancer-causing viruses

The FDA study looked at vaccines that are made from living cells [...] oftentimes contaminated with hidden viral fragments which have the potential to cause cancer.

SOURCE: Aaron Kesel, Activist Post, Principia Scientific

Published: 31 Jan 2020


No increased risk of autism observed in African-American boys associated with MMR vaccine; claim based on erroneous study retracted in 2014

The CDC found a 236% increased risk of autism in African-American boys associated with the MMR vaccine

SOURCE: Brian Hooker, Facebook

Published: 27 Jan 2020


No conclusive evidence links consumption of bats with the 2019 coronavirus outbreak

Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak linked to eating bats

SOURCE: Emma Parker, Gemma Mullin, Paul Joseph Watson, Daily Star, The Sun, InfoWars

Published: 26 Jan 2020


Contrary to claims in viral social media posts, 2019 coronavirus was not lab-created nor was it patented years before outbreak

[The coronavirus is] “new” yet it was lab-created and patented in 2015

SOURCE: Chris Kirckof, Jordan Sather, Facebook, Twitter

Published: 24 Jan 2020


Colloidal silver does not treat infections when taken orally and can cause side effects

Colloidal silver is effective for any infection

SOURCE: Anonymous, The Natural Health Library

Published: 23 Jan 2020


Manuka honey possesses potent antibacterial activity, even against some antibiotic-resistant bacteria, but only via topical application, not consumption

Raw manuka honey kills every bacteria scientists throw at it, including antibiotic-resistant superbugs

SOURCE: Sara Burrows, Return to Now

Published: 18 Jan 2020


Claim by Robert F Kennedy Jr that one “vaccine injury” occurs for every 39 vaccinations is unsupported by scientific data

Vaccine Injuries Ratio: One for Every 39 Vaccines Administered

SOURCE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Children's Health Defense

Published: 13 Jan 2020


Impossible Whopper contains no estrogen; will not lead to men growing breasts if eaten in moderation

The Impossible Whopper has 44 mg of estrogen and the whopper has 2.5 ng of estrogen

SOURCE: James Stanger, Tri-State Livestock News

Published: 10 Jan 2020


Triple antibiotic cream or gel cannot prevent the flu, may also worsen antibiotic resistance due to indiscriminate use

Swabbing nostrils with triple antibiotic cream or gel will prevent the flu

SOURCE: Facebook user, Facebook

Published: 09 Jan 2020