No scientific evidence indicates that cannabis can prevent or cure COVID-19 in patients

The World Health Organization recognizes some therapeutic uses of cannabinoids. A recent scientific study reported that some cannabis strains might modulate the expression of ACE2, the viral receptor of SARS-CoV-2. However, the study does not present data on clinical outcomes in animals or humans during infection nor does it test if the cannabis extracts affect the infectivity of SARS-CoV-2. It is thus impossible to know whether these specific cannabis strains could prevent or cure COVID-19.

OSHA recommends using cloth face coverings at the workplace, contrary to claim by Peggy Hall

OSHA encourages workers to use face masks or cloth face coverings at work, in accordance with recommendations by the U.S. CDC for reducing community transmission of COVID-19. At the moment, the use of face masks or coverings are not mandated by OSHA, but left at the employer’s discretion. Cloth face coverings are generally safe to use and do not lead to oxygen deficiency, since gas molecules like oxygen and carbon dioxide are much smaller than the pores in fabric, and pass through the covering easily. By blocking much larger respiratory droplets, which transmit the virus, face masks and coverings help to protect others in the community and limit COVID-19 spread.

No, Bill Gates is not funding COVID-19 vaccines as a way to conduct global surveillance or to depopulate the world

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has committed millions to the improvement of health outcomes in developing countries through vaccination campaigns, becoming a prominent target of the anti-vaccine groups. During the last decade, the foundation has been also involved in the development of health-related technology which, along with its active support of the research of COVID-19 treatments and vaccines during the outbreak, has arisen conspiracy theories worldwide. The claim that Gates wants to use COVID-19 vaccines to track the population are unsupported. The vaccines used in the initiatives funded by the Gates Foundation in Africa and Asia were approved and safe.

People should take precautions against COVID-19 regardless of their blood type

Blood type has been linked to risk or protection of various diseases. While a few studies have reported an association between Type O blood and a lower incidence of COVID-19 infection, scientists have warned that there is not enough evidence to establish a causal association. Some of the studies used to support the claim that type O blood protects against COVID-19 did not account for certain confounding factors in their analysis, such as pre-existing medical conditions known to influence COVID-19 risk and severity. People should continue to take precautions to prevent infection, regardless of their blood type.

People who do not show COVID-19 symptoms can and do transmit it to others; physical distancing and face masks effectively reduce the risk of transmission

The WHO uses the scientific definition of “asymptomatic”, which refers to people who never develop COVID-19 symptoms during infection with SARS-CoV-2. It is inaccurate to refer to all people who are not showing symptoms as “asymptomatic”, because presymptomatic people also appear healthy initially yet can still transmit the virus to others while showing no symptoms. As such, practicing physical distancing and using face masks or face coverings remain necessary for breaking the chain of transmission.

Brussels halted 5G rollout in 2019 to study its radiation emissions, not because any negative health effects had been demonstrated

5G technology uses non-ionizing radiation similar to current wireless technologies like 4G or Wi-Fi. In 2019, Brussels halted the deployment of 5G antennas in the city in order to have time to study whether the technology conforms to its radiation emissions standards. Scientific research investigating the potential risks of such radiation to human health has not provided convincing evidence of negative health effects. Though more research is needed, current data indicate that the use of 5G is safe when radiation levels are kept within established limits

German Ministry employee makes unsupported claim that COVID-19 pandemic is a global false alarm in widely circulated yet unsolicited opinion article

Approximately 400,000 people have died worldwide in the past six months from COVID-19. Current evidence indicates that the impact would have been more devastating without the implementation of control measures. Epidemiological data suggest that early intervention has successfully slowed the spread of COVID-19, allowing governments to manage the outbreak and minimize secondary mortality due to other causes.

Facebook posts spread unsupported anonymous claim that face mask use caused a lung infection in a healthy teenager

A highly viral anonymous message circulating on Facebook makes numerous claims about face mask safety that have previously been shown to be unsupported by scientific evidence. Face mask filters are large enough to allow gas molecules such as carbon dioxide and oxygen to pass through freely, hence wearing a face mask is extremely unlikely to lead to hypercapnia. There is no scientific basis for the claim that breathing in one’s exhaled bacteria leads to infection.