COVID-19 itself can cause heart inflammation, in addition to other problems like long COVID; benefits of COVID-19 vaccines outweigh their risks

Myocarditis is a condition in which the heart muscle becomes inflamed. Viral infections are a leading cause of myocarditis, and COVID-19 itself is known to cause heart inflammation. Data from clinical trials and ongoing monitoring of COVID-19 vaccination campaigns show that the benefits of the COVID-19 RNA vaccines outweigh their risks. Health authorities recommend that everyone aged 12 and above get vaccinated, because the risks posed by COVID-19, such as health complications and death, are greater than that posed by the vaccines.

Yellow Card scheme for adverse events does not suggest any new side effects of COVID-19 vaccines

Adverse event reporting systems, such as the Yellow Card scheme in the U.K. or VAERS in the U.S., are designed to help health authorities monitor the safety of medical products such as the COVID-19 vaccines. However, the databases contain unverified information and cannot demonstrate that COVID-19 vaccines caused adverse events. The reports can be a starting point for a detailed investigation into potential side effects, which happened for rare cases of blood clotting and anaphylaxis. Overall, the U.K. regulatory body, the MHRA, still concludes that the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccines outweigh their known risks.

CDC study finds five percent of teens hospitalized due to COVID-19 require ventilation, vaccinating against COVID-19 can help reduce the risk of severe disease in teens

A study of adolescents hospitalized with COVID-19 found that one-third required intensive care and five percent required invasive mechanical ventilation. Although the mortality rate for adolescents is relatively low, survivors can face persistent health problems due to issues such as long COVID, which is detrimental to their quality of life. The CDC has stressed the importance of vaccination for this age group. The benefits of COVID-19 vaccines were shown to outweigh any potential risks. Reports of deaths on the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System alone don’t prove that COVID-19 vaccines were the cause of death.

No increased risk of miscarriage from COVID-19 vaccines or other safety concerns for pregnant women or their babies

Pregnant women have an increased risk of serious illness or death from COVID-19 relative to non-pregnant women. As a result, pregnant people are included in vaccination priority lists in several countries, such as Belgium and Israel. Though the COVID-19 vaccines were not tested in pregnant people during clinical trials, preliminary results from both research and ongoing monitoring of people who have received the COVID-19 vaccines have not identified any safety concerns for pregnant people or their babies.

Fauci’s emails don’t support viral claims on masks, hydroxychloroquine and virus engineering

Studies showed that masks reduce the spread of viral respiratory infections like COVID-19. Clinical trials found that hydroxychloroquine didn’t offer any meaningful benefit to COVID-19 patients. There is evidence showing that most people who had COVID-19 develop some level of immunity. But individual variability in immunity and virus variants mean that vaccination can still benefit a person who already had the disease. Scientific studies of the virus’ genome to date haven’t shown evidence that the virus was engineered in a laboratory. There is a lack of evidence that allows us to accept or reject the hypothesis of a laboratory accident with a high degree of certainty. At the moment, both zoonosis and laboratory escape remain plausible scenarios.

Byram Bridle’s claim that COVID-19 vaccines are toxic fails to account for key differences between the spike protein produced during infection and vaccination, misrepresents studies

The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 allows the virus to bind to and infect cells, making it an ideal target for vaccine development. Recent studies suggested that the spike protein produced during infection alone might cause cardiovascular damage in COVID-19 patients. While the three COVID-19 vaccines authorized for emergency use in the U.S. induce the cells to produce the spike protein, the protein generated through vaccination behaves differently from the spike protein produced in infection. Clinical trials and ongoing vaccination campaigns, which have vaccinated more than 890 million people worldwide, demonstrated that COVID-19 vaccines are very safe and effective at preventing the disease.

Fully vaccinated individuals are exempt from wearing a mask because they are less vulnerable to infection by SARS-CoV-2 than unvaccinated people

Clinical trials and ongoing monitoring of the vaccination campaigns showed that people vaccinated against COVID-19 are less likely to get infected and transmit the virus than unvaccinated individuals. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lifted mask-wearing recommendations for vaccinated individuals, although local laws may still apply. The relaxed mask recommendations don’t apply to unvaccinated people, since they are much more likely to get infected and spread the disease, particularly to other unvaccinated people.

Vaccines are a safer alternative for acquiring immunity compared to natural infection and COVID-19 survivors benefit from getting vaccinated, contrary to claims by Peter McCullough

Clinical trials showed that COVID-19 vaccines are effective against the disease and have an excellent safety profile. While infection can also confer protective immunity, this also comes with the risks associated with disease, such as death and health complications. Vaccination develops immunity without running these risks, making vaccines the safer choice. COVID-19 survivors also benefit from vaccination. For example, vaccination may help prevent reinfection in survivors who don’t develop protective immunity from infection alone, while vaccine boosters can help build immunity to virus variants.

How were mRNA vaccines developed for COVID-19?

The vaccines for COVID-19 produced by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna were the first mRNA vaccines authorized for use in the general public. mRNA vaccines were a long-standing ambition for scientists, as it was hoped that they would offer many advantages over traditional vaccines[1]. However, there were significant technical challenges that took decades to overcome. How do … Continued

COVID-19 PCR tests are highly sensitive and specific for the virus SARS-CoV-2; the majority of positive results are true positives; there is no evidence that budesonide or HCQ are useful as COVID-19 treatments

Models that predicted COVID-19 would cause 2.2 million deaths in the U.S. were based on the assumption that no measures were taken to prevent the spread of the disease. The reason why the projected figure differed significantly from real-world outcomes is because the assumption in the model didn’t hold true in real life, as measures were taken to reduce the spread of COVID-19. COVID-19 PCR tests are highly specific and sensitive for the virus’ genetic material, and evidence indicates that, by and large, most positive results are true positives. Neither budesonide nor hydroxychloroquine have been approved for treating the disease, as their usefulness has not been proven.