Teja Celhar

Research Scientist, Singapore Immunology Network

Expertise: Autoimmunity, Systemic lupus erythematosus



Qualifying publication(s): see criteria

publication   https://doi.org/10.1002/art.40535


Article claiming vaccines cause autoimmunity and autism due to fetal DNA contaminants found unsupported and implausible

in Vaccine Impact, by Theresa Deisher

— 09 Jun 2019

"While the letter provides some concerns about the fetal cell-derived DNA contamination in vaccines, it does not provide any actual evidence to support the claims made. The whole h..


COVID-19 RNA vaccines are safe, cannot modify human DNA; death rate in vaccinated people isn’t higher than in unvaccinated people

“The protein then can bind to your DNA and irreversibly change it”; “[It] has several different type of lipids on it that have never been injected into human beings before”; “We could be looking at right now as many as 12,000 deaths”

SOURCE: Sherri Tenpenny, Daystar

Published: 17 Mar 2021


Mike Adams falsely claims cancer genes and “entire genetic code” are found in vaccines, based on unverified report

Vaccines [have been] found laced with entire genetic code for abnormal human loaded with cancer genes

SOURCE: Mike Adams, Natural News, Corvelva

Published: 02 Dec 2019