Vaccines are a safer alternative for acquiring immunity compared to natural infection and COVID-19 survivors benefit from getting vaccinated, contrary to claims by Peter McCullough

Clinical trials showed that COVID-19 vaccines are effective against the disease and have an excellent safety profile. While infection can also confer protective immunity, this also comes with the risks associated with disease, such as death and health complications. Vaccination develops immunity without running these risks, making vaccines the safer choice. COVID-19 survivors also benefit from vaccination. For example, vaccination may help prevent reinfection in survivors who don’t develop protective immunity from infection alone, while vaccine boosters can help build immunity to virus variants.

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were tested in clinical trials, aren’t experimental

Clinical trials and ongoing vaccine monitoring efforts show that COVID-19 vaccines are effective at reducing a person’s risk of severe disease and death. Like any medical intervention, vaccines also come with risks. While COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are linked to a slight increase in the risk of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), COVID-19 itself is associated with a greater risk of heart inflammation and other health complications. On balance, the benefits of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines outweigh their risks.

Modified RNA in COVID-19 vaccines isn’t linked to cancer development

The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines contain RNAs with chemical modifications that increase their stability and improve their ability to induce a potent immune response. Some results suggest that such chemical modifications make mRNA-based anti-cancer vaccines less effective. However, it doesn’t mean that COVID-19 vaccines increase the risk of cancer. There’s no evidence that COVID-19 vaccination increases the risk of cancer.

CDC analysis of RSV vaccines data showed vaccines are safe, not associated with excess deaths, contrary to claim by Children’s Health Defense

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) infections are very common during winter. Most of them are mild but complications can lead to pneumonia and bronchiolitis, especially in babies and older adults. RSV vaccines are effective and recommended for people above 60. Current evidence indicates their benefits outweigh their risks. Further research is needed to determine if these vaccines are associated with a higher risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome.

Claim that myocarditis from COVID-19 vaccines carries serious risk of death is based on flawed study

Studies have shown that people vaccinated against COVID-19 are less likely to develop severe disease, require hospitalization, and die from COVID-19 compared to unvaccinated people. While COVID-19 vaccines are associated with a slightly elevated risk of myocarditis and a particular blood clotting disorder, it is COVID-19 that is associated with a greater risk of these illnesses and other complications. On balance, the evidence gathered so far by studies shows that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the risks, not the other way around.

Analysis claiming to find COVID-19 vaccines killed 17 million people is highly flawed, doesn’t account for COVID-19 mortality surges

Claims that COVID-19 vaccination is responsible for excess mortality have commonly invoked population-level correlations as supporting evidence. Population-level analyses are relatively easy and quick to do, as the data is readily available. But they come with several caveats, meaning that their results need to be interpreted cautiously. Controlling for confounding factors, such as differences in the age structure of populations and differences in public health measures, is difficult to do with such analyses. Moreover, population-level observations don’t necessarily predict individual-level outcomes.