Sweden’s COVID-19 mortality is higher than in most European countries; no evidence whether or how the absence of lockdown impacted this outcome

“Sweden COVID-19 Death Rate Lower Than Spain, Italy and U.K., Despite Never Having Lockdown”

SOURCE: Soo Kim, Newsweek

Published: 16 Aug 2020


Vaccines undergo strict safety testing before they are licensed for use in the U.S. and many other countries; no validity to the claim of a 33% “death rate” from COVID-19 vaccine

“Would you take a vaccine with a 33% death rate to feel safe from a virus with a .06% death rate?”

SOURCE: Facebook users, Facebook

Published: 15 Aug 2020


Contrary to claim in viral Facebook post, the flu vaccine does work and certain types of cancers can be cured

“Can't make a vaccine that works for influenza. No vaccine for RSV. Can't cure cancer. But they sure as shit can make a vaccine in 6 months for an illness that they STILL don't understand”

SOURCE: Facebook users, Facebook

Published: 09 Aug 2020


Hydroxychloroquine, alone or in combination with azithromycin, found ineffective for treating COVID-19 in large clinical trials

“Hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and zinc cure [COVID-19]”

SOURCE: Facebook users, Facebook

Published: 07 Aug 2020


Wearing masks aims at slowing SARS-CoV-2 circulation, not protecting against a certain death

If masks were effective and necessary, non-mask wearers should be dead by now

SOURCE: Facebook Users, Facebook

Published: 07 Aug 2020


Health authorities encourage the general public to wear face masks to reduce COVID-19 transmission

Health authorities like the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discourage people from wearing face masks

SOURCE: Facebook users, Facebook

Published: 04 Aug 2020


Still no evidence that hydroxychloroquine can cure or prevent COVID-19

“You don’t need masks, there is a cure [for COVID-19] ... It is called hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Zithromax”

SOURCE: America’s Frontline Doctors , Breitbart

Published: 31 Jul 2020


Baseless speculations underpin a retracted editorial claiming spontaneous generation of SARS-CoV-2 in skin cells exposed to 5G waves

5G generates coronavirus in human skin cells

SOURCE: Massimo Fioranelli, Alireza Sepehri, Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents, GreenMedInfo, InfoWars

Published: 29 Jul 2020


Sexual transmission of SARS-CoV-2 currently unconfirmed as studies produce conflicting evidence of its presence in the reproductive system

“Coronavirus may be sexually transmitted and cause male infertility”

SOURCE: Paula Froelich, New York Post

Published: 27 Jul 2020


A trypsin-based oral spray reportedly deactivates SARS-CoV-2 in a liquid suspension but has not yet been tested in the mouth

New oral spray “deactivates 98% of the coronavirus” in the mouth

SOURCE: Hashem Al-Ghaili, Facebook

Published: 27 Jul 2020