VAERS death reports don’t prove COVID-19 vaccines killed hundreds of thousands, contrary to claim by Steve Kirsch

VAERS reports show 410,000 Americans were killed by COVID-19 vaccines; the COVID-19 vaccine caused 41 times more deaths than reported

SOURCE: Steve Kirsch, Facebook

Published: 20 Sep 2023


CDC data didn’t show an increased risk of hospitalization in people vaccinated against COVID-19, contrary to claim by Alex Berenson

“vaccinated and boosted people were MORE likely to be hospitalized with the new Omicron variant than unvaccinated people”

SOURCE: Alex Berenson, Substack

Published: 20 Sep 2023


Yale University researchers reported a technology to deliver mRNA vaccines in the nose, not a way to remotely vaccinate people

Researchers from Yale University created a new delivery method for mRNA vaccines… through the air

SOURCE: Roman Balmakov, The Epoch Times

Published: 14 Sep 2023


Robert Malone makes several misleading and unsubstantiated claims about COVID-19 vaccines in Judicial Watch interview

“Leaky vaccines” are causing SARS-CoV-2 to evolve rapidly; COVID-19 vaccines don’t prevent disease and death; childhood vaccine safety is doubtful

SOURCE: Robert Malone, Judicial Watch

Published: 14 Sep 2023


Study didn’t show COVID-19 vaccines weaken children’s immune response, contrary to claim by Alex Berenson

A study showed a “weakened immune response in kids injected with Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot”; “The mRNA Covid jabs damage immune responses to other viruses in children”

SOURCE: Alex Berenson, Jonas Vesterberg, Substack, The Florida Standard

Published: 11 Sep 2023


Rebel News article lacks evidence for claiming COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe and unnecessary

Natural immunity persists for decades; Pregnant women aren’t at risk from COVID-19; DNA plasmids are in COVID-19 vaccines; no evidence that COVID-19 boosters are safe

SOURCE: Tamara Ugolini, Rebel News

Published: 08 Sep 2023


Posts misrepresent CDC risk assessment of new SARS-CoV-2 variant BA.2.86; COVID-19 vaccines don’t increase the risk of infection

With the new BA.2.86 variant, “We’re in a situation where vaccination, according to the CDC, increases the likelihood of infection”

SOURCE: John Campbell, YouTube

Published: 04 Sep 2023


Health authorities continue to collect safety data on COVID-19 vaccines, contrary to misleading claim by the Daily Wire

The CDC “Remove[d] COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports”, “stopping the collection of public health information doesn’t have a clinical justification”

SOURCE: Brandon Drey, Daily Wire

Published: 31 Aug 2023


Daily Mail article provides misleading interpretation on South Korean mask study to imply mask-wearing is dangerous

“Mask study published by NIH suggests N95 Covid masks may expose wearers to dangerous level of toxic compounds linked to seizures and cancer”

SOURCE: Emily Joshu, Daily Mail

Published: 30 Aug 2023


Vitamin K shots are safe and polysorbate 80 isn’t poisonous, contrary to claim by Brandy Vaughan

Vitamin K shots are poisonous because they contain polysorbate 80 as “main active ingredient” that has “strong links with infertility, with autoimmune issues”

SOURCE: Brandy Vaughan, Instagram

Published: 29 Aug 2023