Mike Adams falsely claims cancer genes and “entire genetic code” are found in vaccines, based on unverified report

Vaccines [have been] found laced with entire genetic code for abnormal human loaded with cancer genes

SOURCE: Mike Adams, Natural News, Corvelva

Published: 02 Dec 2019


Studies worldwide demonstrate HPV vaccine safety and no association with serious autoimmune and neurological diseases or problems during pregnancy

the autoimmune diseases and menstrual cycle problems and fertility problems [...] and all of the other things that we’ve now seen are associated with the [HPV] vaccine

SOURCE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Children's Health Defense

Published: 25 Nov 2019


Bone spurs occasionally form at the base of human skulls, but their growth has not been linked to the use of handheld devices

‘Horns’ are growing on young people’s skulls. Phone use is to blame, research suggests.

SOURCE: Isaac Stanley-Becker, The Washington Post

Published: 19 Nov 2019


Endocannabinoids in human breast milk are important for human development, but not present in cannabis

human breast milk naturally contains the same cannabinoids found in the Cannabis plant

SOURCE: Anonymous, CBDLife

Published: 15 Nov 2019


Vitamin D has not been shown to be more effective than the flu vaccine at preventing flu

Vitamin D is more effective than [the] flu vaccine

SOURCE: Joseph Mercola, Health Impact News

Published: 08 Nov 2019


In spite of evidence to the contrary, Rizza Islam claims that the MMR vaccine is used for depopulation

The World Health Organization is still pushing this [vaccine] depopulation agenda throughout Africa

SOURCE: Rizza Islam, Sway’s Universe

Published: 31 Oct 2019


Vaccines do not cause autism, diabetes or cancer, contrary to Shiv Chopra’s claim

All these diseases [...] use [sic] to be rare. Autism use [sic] to be 1 in 10,000. Now it’s 1 in 50. Now, where is it all coming from? Vaccines are doing it.

SOURCE: Shiv Chopra, Natural Nana

Published: 30 Oct 2019


Human error in vaccine preparation led to the deaths of two children in Samoa after MMR shot – MMR vaccine itself is safe and effective

Samoa withdraws vaccine protecting against measles, mumps and rubella after two babies die within minutes of receiving the routine shot

SOURCE: Lauren Ferri, Daily Mail

Published: 24 Oct 2019


ADHD prevalence in France is similar to that of other developed countries like the US, cultural differences notwithstanding

These two very different cultures have different ADHD levels in children, in America the rate is 19 percent, and in France, it’s .5% – a half of a percent

SOURCE: Anonymous, Marilyn Wedge, World's Finest New Recipes, Psychology Today

Published: 21 Oct 2019


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. misrepresents WHO causality assessment for adverse events following vaccination, wrongly claims it enables cover-up of vaccine deaths

[It] is nearly impossible to categorize post-vaccine deaths as vaccine-related

SOURCE: Baxter Dmitry, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Children's Health Defense, NewsPunch

Published: 15 Oct 2019