Yellow Card scheme for adverse events does not suggest any new side effects of COVID-19 vaccines

Adverse event reporting systems, such as the Yellow Card scheme in the U.K. or VAERS in the U.S., are designed to help health authorities monitor the safety of medical products such as the COVID-19 vaccines. However, the databases contain unverified information and cannot demonstrate that COVID-19 vaccines caused adverse events. The reports can be a starting point for a detailed investigation into potential side effects, which happened for rare cases of blood clotting and anaphylaxis. Overall, the U.K. regulatory body, the MHRA, still concludes that the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccines outweigh their known risks.

VAERS reports of adverse events in people who received COVID-19 vaccines don’t demonstrate that these events were caused by the vaccines; evidence does not indicate COVID-19 vaccines caused Bell’s palsy and deaths

Both COVID-19 vaccines approved for emergency use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration were thoroughly reviewed for safety and efficacy before approval. The U.S. Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) enables the public and healthcare providers to report adverse events that occur after vaccination. It serves as an early warning system for potential problems with vaccines. However, determining whether there is a causal link requires further investigation into these reports. VAERS data only tells us that an adverse event occurred after vaccination; on its own it cannot prove that vaccines caused the adverse event.

Contrary to headline by The People’s Voice, COVID-19 vaccines aren’t “killing millions” but instead prevented deaths

COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk of severe COVID-19 and various complications with the disease, and are estimated to have saved millions of lives worldwide. All vaccines can cause side effects. However, most side effects from COVID-19 vaccination are generally mild and disappear within a few days. While cases of serious side effects from COVID-19 vaccines do exist, they are extremely infrequent and don’t outweigh the benefits of vaccination.

COVID-19 vaccines lowered excess deaths during the pandemic, contrary to headline by the Daily Telegraph

The COVID-19 vaccines are estimated to have saved 14 million lives worldwide within their first year. While there are extremely rare instances of heart inflammation and blood clots following vaccination, these risks are far outweighed by the lives saved. While excess deaths were observed from 2020 to 2022, the vast majority are due directly or indirectly to COVID-19 itself. The data that we have shows no association with the COVID-19 vaccines.

Very rare cases of blood clots linked to the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine are well-known and have been publicly recognized since 2021

The Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine was one of the few tools available to reduce the risk of serious illness and death at the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. The vaccine underwent rigorous testing to ensure it was safe and effective. In 2021, a rare but serious condition involving blood clots with low platelet level—known as thrombosis with thrombocytopenia—was associated with the vaccine. However, the chance that this condition will occur after vaccination is very low, and the benefits of vaccination outweigh this small risk.

Claim that myocarditis from COVID-19 vaccines carries serious risk of death is based on flawed study

Studies have shown that people vaccinated against COVID-19 are less likely to develop severe disease, require hospitalization, and die from COVID-19 compared to unvaccinated people. While COVID-19 vaccines are associated with a slightly elevated risk of myocarditis and a particular blood clotting disorder, it is COVID-19 that is associated with a greater risk of these illnesses and other complications. On balance, the evidence gathered so far by studies shows that the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the risks, not the other way around.

Incorrect claim that COVID-19 vaccines caused a 143,233% surge in cancer results from flawed calculations that misuse adverse event reporting data

Safety data and multiple studies show that COVID-19 vaccines effectively reduce the risk of severe or fatal COVID-19 cases, while the risk of serious side effects from vaccination is very small. But COVID-19 vaccines come with tighter reporting requirements than earlier vaccines, which results in more adverse event reports to vaccine safety databases compared to other vaccines. This doesn’t indicate any safety issues but instead reflects an increased reporting rate.

James Thorp spreads false claims that COVID-19 vaccines harm fertility, pregnancy, infant survival in The Sentinel Report interview

Ample evidence from safety surveillance and published studies continue to show that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective, and that their benefits outweigh their risks. The vaccines are also safe before and during pregnancy, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that people who are pregnant or willing to conceive receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

Study in Italy didn’t show COVID-19 vaccines have an “unacceptable” safety profile, contrary to claim by Peter McCullough

Some of the most common side effects following COVID-19 vaccination resemble flu symptoms. These include headache and fatigue. However, these side effects are relatively short-lived and aren’t associated with long-term repercussions. Getting COVID-19 is known to increase the risk of potentially serious medical problems. For example, studies have reported an elevated risk of developing blood clotting disorders and cardiovascular problems. While COVID-19 vaccination does carry risks as well, they significantly reduce the risk of severe disease and death. On balance, their benefits outweigh their risks.

Published studies show no association between COVID-19 vaccines and heart attacks, contrary to British cardiologist’s claim

Like all medical interventions, COVID-19 vaccines can produce side effects. Most of these side effects are mild and short-lived. More serious risks, such as a rare blood clotting disorder and a type of heart inflammation have also been associated with certain COVID-19 vaccines, but are rare. The risk of heart problems and blood clotting, just to name a few, is greater with COVID-19 than with the vaccines. By reducing the risk of infection and severe disease in people, COVID-19 vaccines offer many benefits that go beyond just preventing COVID-associated heart problems. As such, the vaccines’ benefit outweighs their risk.